Python programming: analysis, design and evaluation - face to face

Full CalendarLondon, Herts & Essex Computing Hub

This event will take place between 9:30am and 3:00pm on 01/06/2022

London, Herts & Essex Computing Hub

As you progress beyond the basics of Python programming, this course will help you develop an understanding how programs are developed using the software life cycle, specifically the analysis, design and evaluation of a working solution.

During this course you’ll develop your understanding of how to analysis a set of requirements, including spotting patterns of which programming techniques maybe required, how to interpret these requirements through the use of abstraction and decomposition and learn how to develop decomposition diagrams to aid the planning of a programming project.

You’ll also explore how to effectively design a program, based upon your analysis of the requirements. You’ll build algorithms represented as either pseudocode or flowcharts to represent your designed solution.

Finally, you’ll learn how to effectively evaluate whether your programming project has been a success.

Mapped closely to the specifications of GCSE computer science, the course will provide you with deepened knowledge and confidence that your students are equipped for assessments.

Venue: University of Hertfordshire, De Havilland Campus, Mosquito Way, Hatfield AL10 9EU

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