Appropriate Body

Appropriate Body

The appointment of an Appropriate Body is a statutory requirement for the ECT induction period.

Appropriate Bodies independently quality assure statutory induction, ensuring that schools provide adequate support and assessment for their Early Career Teachers (ECTs), in accordance with the statutory guidance.

With the closure of the Local Authority Appropriate Bodies at the end of the academic year 2023-24, from September 2024 all new ECTs and existing ECTs must be registered with a Teaching School Hub as their Appropriate Body. A briefing pack for schools outlining the DfE Appropriate Body reforms from September 2024 can be downloaded here.

An ECT cannot start their induction until they are registered with an Appropriate Body.

You will need to either:

Register a new ECT with Saffron Appropriate Body

To register your school and/or new ECTs for the Saffron Appropriate Body service, please register on our online portal, Saffron ECT Manager. This is a paperless system for recording data securely, submitting assessments, accessing resources, raising alerts and managing ECTs during induction. 

When you register on ECT Manager, please ensure that you have:

  • Your ECT’s teacher reference number
  • Their full name, date of birth and home address
  • Initial teacher training details
  • Previous school(s) employment history
  • Full name of their induction tutor
  • Full name of their mentor

Choose the scenario below that applies to you and follow the instructions.

Scenario 1 - your school has an existing login for Saffron ECT Manager

Log in to Saffron ECT Manager via the link below, using your existing login details, and register your new ECTs:

Scenario 2 - your school does not have a login for Saffron ECT Manager

To register your school with Saffron ECT Manager, follow the instructions below:

When this has been done, you can then register your ECT(s) and Induction Tutor(s) on ECT Manager:

Induction can only commence once we have checked that the information you provide matches data already registered nationally: in the busy summer months please be aware that checks may only be possible within the normal working day period.


Transfer an existing ECT from another AB to Saffron Appropriate Body

It is quick and easy to transfer your existing ECTs to Saffron Appropriate Body by completing the following steps. Please note, the transfer will not be processed until the current assessments and progress reviews have been completed at the end of term. Completing these steps before the end of the summer term will ensure there is the facility to resolve any anomalies before the outgoing AB closes on 31 August.

  • Using your current ECT Manager login, open the overview page for the individual ECT.
  • Scroll down to the bottom, until you reach the section ‘Transfer ECT to another Appropriate Body’.
  • Click on the new Appropriate Body, 'Saffron Teaching School Hub Appropriate Body'.
  • For the date of transfer, insert 1 July 2024. The transfer will not be processed until the current assessments and progress reviews are completed and approved by the original AB.
  • Click transfer.

You will need to repeat these steps for each ECT you wish to transfer to Saffron Appropriate Body.

A guide to transferring ECTs can be found here:

If you have any questions, please contact Kerry Walpole at

And then: 

Set up and manage your ECF-based training for your Early Career Teacher

To register ECTs for Saffron Teaching School Hub's Early Career Programme, visit our Early Career Programme page.


Briefings and training sessions 2024-25

Saffron Appropriate Body is hosting a number of briefings and training sessions for Induction Tutors, ECTs and mentors.

See the full list of sessions here: Saffron Appropriate Body training sessions 2024-25

To book a place on any of the sessions: BOOK HERE


Saffron Appropriate Body - our service

Saffron Appropriate Body is the designated Appropriate Body within Braintree, Chelmsford, Epping Forest, Harlow and Uttlesford. 

The Saffron AB Induction Handbook gives full details of our AB service:

Headteachers should also read this document:

Online AB training sessions for schools

At the beginning of each term and in July we run online training sessions for Induction Tutors who have ECTs registered with the Saffron AB service.

AB service fees and what we provide

Expand the headings below for more information about the fees for our AB service and what we provide.

Saffron AB Service fees

Service fees

Schools are invoiced annually in advance for services to be provided. The costs are as follows:

ECF route chosen by the school Cost payable to the Appropriate Body per ECT
Full 2-year induction period Partial induction period: 1 year (transferring ECTs only) Partial induction period: 1 term (must be agreed with Saffron AB)
Early Career Framework (ECF) DfE-funded training provider £490 (payable in two instalments of £245, invoiced in term 1 & term 4) * £245 £85
DfE-accredited materials to deliver your own training £800 Fidelity check + £490 for each ECT £600 Fidelity check + £245 for each ECT £300 Fidelity check + £85 for each ECT
Design and deliver your own ECF-based training £1200 Fidelity check + £490 for each ECT £900 Fidelity check + £245 for each ECT £450 Fidelity check + £85 for each ECT

Invoices will be sent to schools from the Saffron Academy Trust.

* For part-time ECTs, schools will be invoiced as follows:

  • ECTs working 4 days per week: £245 in Term 1 and £245 in Term 4
  • ECTs working 2 or 3 days per week: £170 in Term 1, £160 in Term 4, £160 in Term 7

If your part-time working pattern is different to those shown above or you have any questions, please contact Paula Downes at

If an ECT resigns from their post partway through either year of induction, schools need to give notice to the AB. A refund will be considered for any whole term not completed.

What we provide

  • Registration of the Early Career Teacher and returns to the Teaching Regulation Agency
  • Fidelity checking of Early Career Programme route (there will be an additional fee for schools choosing the Core or School-Based Induction Programme)
  • Induction Tutor training and Network meetings
  • Quality-assuring the process of your in-school support
  • Access to support materials directly from Saffron ECT Manager
  • Providing termly progress check documents which are returned electronically
  • Monitoring termly progress check reports to identify Early Career Teachers requiring additional support
  • Monitoring visit and the equivalent of 2 days' Expert Practitioner support for Early Career Teachers requiring additional support
  • Providing formal end of Year 1 and Year 2 assessment documents which are returned electronically
  • Monitoring of all end of Year 1 and Year 2 reports for Early Career Teachers
  • Making the final decision as to whether or not an Early Career Teacher's performance, against the relevant standards, is satisfactory, drawing on the recommendation of the headteacher

We require that all schools complete a Service Level Agreement with us before we authorise an ECT's induction. This will be sent to you when you register a new ECT on ECT Manager.

If you have any questions about the Saffron AB service, contact Paula Downes at

AB Induction and the Early Career Framework

From 2021, Appropriate Bodies are required to ensure that Early Career Teachers receive their statutory ECF entitlement as well as making the final decision as to whether that teacher has met the Teachers' Standards. 

Schools who choose the DfE funded Full Induction Programme (FIP) route, such as the Saffron Early Career Programme, do not have to have their ECF programme checked by their AB.

Where schools choose to follow the Core Induction Programme (CIP) using DfE Approved Materials, or a School-based Induction Programme, the Appropriate Bodies' role now includes 'fidelity checking' those ECF programmes. There is an additional charge for this service.