Evidence Led Practice

ELE Blog

This blog contains perspectives on using research evidence in schools, reflections on 'what works' and recommendations for useful evidence resources. It is written by our Evidence Leads in Education.

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  • 01/10/24

    Implementation for evidence informed approaches - Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning across the school

    Three years ago, evidence-based practice was relatively unknown to us as a whole staff discussion point, let alone being seen as key to addressing school development, but knowing this was our next undertaking we went for it (strategically)!
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  • 17/06/24

    The FAME approach and revisiting the Seven-Step Model

    Having completed a substantial amount of CPD around metacognition over the last two years, we recently revisited the importance of modelling and shared writing from EYFS to the end of KS2 in our setting. Improving outcomes in writing continues to be a high priority element of our School Development...
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  • 05/03/24

    “I wish I had thought of that sooner” - The Integrated Model of Metacognition

    “Evidence suggests the use of ​‘metacognitive strategies’ – which get pupils to think about their own learning – can be worth the equivalent of an additional +7 months’ progress when used well. However, while the potential impact of these approaches is very high...
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  • 18/01/24

    Revisiting Cognitive Load Theory - Links to Embodied Cognition

    As leaders and practitioners, we all appreciate the importance of continually reviewing developments in our field in order to ensure our practice remains relevant and maximises the learning outcomes of our pupils. Although Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) has been known and developed within the academic...
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  • 14/11/23

    Accessible professional development for the Early Years: update to the EEF Early Years Evidence Store

    Those of us who work in or with Early Years settings will know the value of research which is both accessible and practically based. That is why I was so pleased to read today that the EEF is making good on its commitment to expanding the number of themes covered within its Early Years Evidence Stor...
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  • 01/07/23

    Research engaged and evidence informed - lessons from the flipped classroom

    Having been involved with continuous professional learning and development for teachers and schools for a number of years, I am committed to the use of research to inform practice but am always also acutely aware of how this can become something that can be viewed as a ‘luxury’ or...
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  • 17/03/23

    The power of disciplined professional enquiry

    This year our primary trainee teachers were set a simple professional enquiry task. They were asked to think about how pupils learn, with a particular focus on cognitive load theory. The task was to be presented as a question; What impact does X have on the outcomes for pupil/pupils Y over a 6-week...
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  • 01/02/23

    Implementing the EEF’s ‘Five-a-day' principle to support SEND learners in the classroom

    The EEF’s ‘Five-a-day' principle to support pupils with SEND, taken from their ‘Special Educational Needs in Mainstream School’s’ guidance report, is illustrated in the diagram below.
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  • 05/12/22

    The Importance of Activating Prior Knowledge

    I have previously written about the role of memory in classroom pedagogy. This post draws upon both this theme and its link to Metacognition in the discussion of the topic, Activating Prior Knowledge.
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  • 13/10/22

    Learning through the arts – teacher development through Disciplined Inquiry

    With the current – and often necessary – focus on enabling pupils whose schooling has been significantly disrupted by Covid to ‘catch up’, we could perhaps be forgiven for overlooking the impact that learning through the arts can have on children’s learning and wel...
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  • 08/06/22

    Teaching Assistants - The Key to Metacognition

    Guest blog post: Abi Joachim, HLTA & ELE for Ipswich Associate Research Schools, shares the importance of metacognition in TA practice.
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  • 19/04/22

    Why use 'low stakes testing' and not just 'testing'?

    In my previous post, I mentioned how 'low stakes testing' (LST) could be used as a strategy for improving memory and recall in the classroom. Low stakes testing is "that students be given the opportunity to try (a task), make mistakes, and to learn from those mistakes with little o...
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