Update from the Essex Research School

Essex Research School is based at Lyons Hall Primary School in Braintree. Lyons Hall is one of the three schools that make up the Learning Pathways Trust. It launched in 2023 and its new director from September 2024 is Sarah-Louise Johnston, a former Secondary English teacher and PD and Induction Lead with over 20 years’ experience teaching and leading in schools.
What is a Research School?
There are currently 33 Research Schools across England supported by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF). The EEF is dedicated to breaking the link between family income and educational achievement through better use of evidence. Research Schools provide support to educational settings by communicating research evidence and supporting the translation of this into practice. This is done through training, exemplification and school-to-school support.
What is Essex Research School's role in Essex?
Essex Research School’s purpose is to translate and share the most up-to-date evidence-based classroom practice to make it accessible for all schools across the county. They do this by:
- Producing a half-termly newsletter with information about upcoming events and research.
- Writing blogs/articles about putting evidence and guidance into practice in schools. These include case-studies or examples from different classroom settings.
- Online and in-person training. An online event for new leaders on Pupil Premium was held on 16 October with Marc Rowland. This is the first of a two-part programme that aims to support leaders in understanding the EEF Pupil Premium Research and how to implement pupil premium strategies effectively in schools. The second session will take place online on Tuesday 19 November 2024.
Get involved
Visit these websites for more information:
- Essex Research School Website
- Research School Network Website
- Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) website
Sign up for Essex Research School’s half-termly newsletter here. This will let you know of any upcoming events, blogs and videos.
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