Essex Research School update: programmes from the Education Endowment Foundation

Essex Research School is excited to share that the EEF is currently recruiting for various programmes that might be of interest to colleagues in our region. Please see the updates below and if you would like any further information, please contact Sarah-Louise Johnston, Director of Essex Research School:

Early Years Maths Champions

What does the programme involve?

Maths Champions is a 1-year PD programme, delivered by the National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA), which builds the knowledge of nursery practitioners to support children’s early mathematical development.

The recent EEF trial of Maths Champions showed that children in nurseries that received the programme made, on average, three months’ additional progress in maths compared to children in nurseries that did not receive the programme. The results also suggested that children eligible for Early Years Pupil Premium made six months’ additional progress in maths.

Settings choose senior staff to receive the online training covering early years mathematics theory and how to coach other nursery staff to improve practice. The programme aims to increase practitioners’ understanding of how children learn mathematical concepts, provide a structure for practitioners to monitor mathematics teaching practice in their setting, and support them to create an action plan to increase children’s mathematical achievement. NDNA provides tailored one-to-one support for the Maths Champion throughout, as well as access to resources and monthly webinars.

Further information: Maths Champions - scale-up evaluation | EEF

Mathematics Mastery (Primary)

What does the programme involve?

Mathematics Mastery is a 2-year, whole-school approach to teaching maths, developed by Ark Curriculum Plus. EEF trials of Mathematics Mastery have found positive impacts on maths attainment of KS1 pupils, equivalent to two months' additional progress compared to pupils who did not receive the programme.

Mathematics Mastery is a fully sequenced and resourced curriculum, with each year group receiving 30 weeks of planned lessons which aim to deepen pupils’ understanding of maths in three areas: conceptual understanding, mathematical thinking, and language and communication.

Further information: Mathematics Mastery - subsidised programme | EEF

Embedding Formative Assessment (Secondary)

What does the programme involve?

Embedding Formative Assessment is a 2-year professional development programme, delivered by SSAT, which aims to improve pupil outcomes by embedding the use of formative assessment strategies across a school. The EEF trial of Embedding Formative Assessment found that pupils in schools that received the programme made an average of two months’ additional progress on their Attainment 8 GCSE scores compared to control schools.

Schools receive detailed resource packs to run monthly workshops, known as Teacher Learning Communities (TLCs), and teachers conduct structured peer observations focusing on the use of formative assessment strategies. TLCs focus on five key formative assessment strategies, with handouts on techniques provided: ‘clarifying, sharing and understanding learning intentions’; ‘engineering effective classroom discussions and activities’; ‘providing feedback that moves learning forward’; ‘activating learners as instructional resources for one another’; and ‘activating learners as owners of their own learning’.

Each school appoints a lead teacher who attends an initial training day and receives ongoing implementation support from a SSAT Lead Practitioner, including visits, phone calls, e-mails, and access to an online community.

Further information: Embedding Formative Assessment - subsidised programme | EEF