News articles

Read the latest news from the Saffron Teaching School Hub.

May 2023

  • 19/05/23

    NPQs - career development with a focus on quality

    Saffron Teaching School Hub constantly reviews and quality assures our Teach First NPQ programmes to ensure that they are meeting the needs of our programme members. We want to check that the NPQ programmes are well facilitated by our team of experts, that the materials for sessions and co...
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  • 18/05/23

    How can schools support recruitment and retention by investing in and developing their mentors?

    Key motivating factors leading to teaching as career are having an effective training programme. A school-based mentor supports trainee teachers for approximately 80% of their week, providing valuable models, guidance, and support.
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  • 17/05/23

    Take part in research projects and access funding through the EEF

    The Education Endowment Foundation provides access to a vast amount of existing educational research and guidance of evidence led practice. However, not everyone is aware that it also offers opportunities to take part in research trials or to apply for funding for your own locally based project.
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May 2023