Mentor conference - February 2021

On 24 February 2021 the Saffron Teaching School Hub and the Chafford Hundred Teaching School Hub hosted an online Mentor Conference. The conference speakers were:

  • Prof Sam Twiselton: 'Ensuring progression across the frameworks - ITT, ECT, ECF and beyond'
  • Prof Caroline Daly: 'Learning partners in educative mentoring: principles and practice'  
  • Emma Day: 'Trauma practice in Covid times'  
  • Kelly Campbell, Jane Coleman & Angela Rodda: 'Getting the most out of the mentor meeting'  
  • Emma Hollis & James Coleman: 'NASBTT Teacher Educator and Mentoring Zone'

Watch a video recording of the mentor conference here:

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The mentor conference slide presentation and materials can be viewed/downloaded below.

More details about the NASBTT Teacher Educator and Mentoring Zone can be found here.