Train To Teach

Train To Teach

Teacher Training applications are open for courses starting in September 2025

Applications are now open for teacher training courses for the 2025-2026 academic year, via the Department for Education's Apply for Teacher Training service.

Before applying, candidates can browse courses here: DfE Find Teacher Training Courses.

The DfE has produced a digital brochure for undergraduates, with information on funding, benefits, the process of how to become a teacher and more. View the brochure here: DfE Digital Brochure 2024-25 

For further information about applying for teacher training, and useful links, visit our Support for applicants page. 

View a list of upcoming Train to Teach events here:

Initial Teacher Training with Saffron Teaching School Hub

Saffron Teaching School Hub is a Lead Partner for three accredited teacher training providers offering early years, primary and secondary training routes in a range of teacher training hubs and placement schools across Essex, Cambridge, and West Suffolk. 

We are a Lead Partner with:

Cambridge Training School Network (CTSN SCITT), incorporating Essex Primary SCITT

Mid Essex Initial Teacher Training

West Essex SCITT

Working with our three accredited providers, we recruit excellent candidates and train them to meet the needs of our local area. Trainee teachers undertake most of their training within a school environment in one of our supportive and well-established school partners, with a training day each week, led by experienced facilitators, to learn the theory of teaching. Trainees can also undertake a PGCE alongside their QTS Teacher Training course. In some courses, we can offer flexible training routes to support those returning to work or pursuing a career change.

How do I apply for Initial Teacher Training with Saffron Teaching School Hub?

All applications for teacher training happen through the Department for Education's Apply for Teacher Training service.

On the Apply for Teacher Training website, search for Saffron Teaching School Hub as the 'training provider' to view and apply for primary or secondary teacher training courses with our three accredited providers.

See the links below for more information about the courses that Saffron Teaching School Hub offers through our three accredited providers:

Primary & Secondary Courses with Cambridge Training Schools Network (CTSN SCITT), incorporating Essex Primary SCITT

Secondary Courses with Mid Essex Initial Teacher Training

Primary Courses with West Essex SCITT

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Teacher training providers in the Saffron Teaching School Hub area

Our area covers Braintree, Chelmsford, Epping Forest, Harlow and Uttlesford. For details of all the Initial Teacher Training providers in our area, as well as our Lead Partners, see here.