Appropriate Body reform - briefing pack for schools

The Appropriate Body (AB) service has been reformed by DfE and from September 2024 Teaching School Hubs will become the main provider of AB services. 

A briefing pack for schools outlining these changes can be downloaded here.

Saffron Teaching School Hub provides an Appropriate Body service. Further information about the Saffron AB service can be found here.

AB Briefing for Headteachers - Tuesday 18 June 09:30-10:00

The role of the Induction Tutor has changed greatly with the new framework. From our visits to schools, we know that the capacity of Induction Tutors is variable.

Saffron Teaching School Hub is hosting an online briefing for Headteachers on Tuesday 18 June at 09:30. This briefing is to ensure that Headteachers fully understand the role of the Induction Tutor and the capacity required, as well as the role of the Headteacher in the ECT induction process.

To register for our online briefing on 18 June, complete this form.